:: Balloon Religion
So in February my kids got a balloon while we were out somewhere, I don't remember where it was though. A week or so later, it was still alive and well. Wow I thought, that's lasting a long time, and I took a picture of it for my daughter (she likes pictures of anything). This turned out to come in handy...
Then I went out of town for nearly two weeks and, of course, forgot about the balloon. When I got back home I was surprised however to notice that it was still up in the corner of my office floating near the ceiling. "Geez", I thought, "what kind of chemical are they using in those things these days?" I snapped another picture.
The next week, I snapped another shot of the -- still floating -- balloon. I started to wonder if perhaps this balloon was safe in the house. What kind of freakish chemical was keeping the balloon in the air??