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Bio in a box
Kim Mance is a journalist, writer and blogger for publications like Condé Nast Traveler, and Marie Claire. She co-hosted Travel Channel’s Destination Showdown, and hosts Dream it. Book it. Do it! for Comcast on-demand.

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Bio in a Box

I'm editor-in-chief of Galavanting, an online women's travel magazine. I'm also a freelance writer on topics from politics, to parenting, to freethought. 

Oh, and I've got five great kids; three of my own, and two who came with the love of my life.


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Czech Republic C02 and Vancouver Riots

Just a couple of random updates: I recently hung out amongst non-rioting Canadians during game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals in Vancouver, after seeking refuge from tear-gassed rioters. 

I was also wrapped in a plastic bag in an obscure region of the Czech Republic so my legs could be bathed in carbon dioxide at a medical spa.

All in a couple of days' work...

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