:: An Autistic Birthday Party
So when most people think of kid's birthday parties, it's a big shabang with tons of rugrats running around (ya know, like last weekend at our house).
But for an autistic kid like my son PJ, his version is a little different. He's definitely not anti-social, he's just more don't-know-how-to-be social. He loves being around his siblings, and even other kids, but large groups make him a little wigged out.
He would far rather spend his time identifying the different train systems around the world than be surrounded by squealing children.
So for his birthday "party" I took him alone to get a treat of his choice, and a CTA ride around Chicago's downtown loop. He was ecstatic the entire time.
What a party animal.
Reader Comments (3)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PJ!! The look of contentment on his face with that huge ice cream cone is awesome!!
you are such a good mom! he's lucky to have a mom that cares so much about his needs rather than just making him do what all the other kids do. he looks so happy :)
Nice pictures of your son on his birthday. How old is PJ? Nice blog here, will check out more later, now time to watch autistic savants on Discovery Health.