:: Joe the Plumber (before his fame)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 12:02PM
Kim Mance

Okay, so it's a little ironic that Obama was on his way to the Town Hall style debate with McCain when the video below was shot. ...Ironic because the debate was little more than two stump speeches interrupted by questions from everyday people.

But this is just impressive. Not only did I learn something about Obama's tax plan, but it also shows that Barack really knows his shit. There was no scripting or telepromting involved. As a former Hillary supporter and long-time Obama-skeptic-turned-no-other-choice-but-still-a-little-tentative-supporter, this made my day.

I'd love to see McCain answer someone in this detailed and thoughtful a manner. (Just hope this hypothetical seeker of truth doesn't touch him while they ask, or he might lose his mind.)

So without further ado...a candidate answers a question. I know, I had to see it to believe it too:

PS: Be sure to watch the entire (6 minute) thing, because he doesn't leave until he actually answers the entire question!

via Plunderbund.

UPDATE: cross-posted at The Huffington Post.

UPDATE #2: You may have noticed the 90,000 times this guy's name was mentioned during the debate. I was flabbergasted the McCain so ludicrously distorted Obama's interaction with Joe the Plumber.

Article originally appeared on Kim Mance - writer, travel expert, photographer, cinematographer (http://kimmance.squarespace.com/).
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